Bootstrap your testnet wallet

MultiFaucet funds a wallet with
, and
across 4 testnet networks, at once.

Request Tokens

To prevent faucet botting, you must sign in with Twitter. We request read-only access.

Faucet Details

General Information

Your Twitter account must have at least 1 Tweet, 50 followers, and be older than 1 month.

By default, the faucet drips on Görli. You can choose to receive a drip on other networks when requesting tokens.

You can claim from the faucet once every 24 hours.

Network Details


Faucet drips 0.1 ETH, 0.1 wETH, and 5 NFTs (ERC721).

NFTs: 0xf5de760f2e916647fd766B4AD9E85ff943cE3A2b

wETH: 0xB4FBF271143F4FBf7B91A5ded31805e42b2208d6

Optimistic Görli (connection details,)

Faucet drips 0.1 ETH, 0.1 wETH, 5 DAI, and 5 NFTs (ERC721).

NFTs: 0xf5de760f2e916647fd766B4AD9E85ff943cE3A2b

wETH: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006

DAI: 0xDA10009cBd5D07dd0CeCc66161FC93D7c9000da1

Polygon Mumbai (connection details,)

Faucet drips 0.1 MATIC, 0.1 wMATIC, 500 DAI, and 5 NFTs (ERC721).

NFTs: 0xf5de760f2e916647fd766B4AD9E85ff943cE3A2b

wETH: 0x9c3C9283D3e44854697Cd22D3Faa240Cfb032889

DAI: 0x001B3B4d0F3714Ca98ba10F6042DaEbF0B1B7b6F

Moonbase Alpha (connection details,)

Faucet drips 1 DEV, 1 wDEV, 500 DAI, and 5 NFTs (ERC721).

NFTs: 0xf5de760f2e916647fd766B4AD9E85ff943cE3A2b

wETH: 0xD909178CC99d318e4D46e7E66a972955859670E1

DAI: 0x4C153BFaD26628BdbaFECBCD160A0790b1b8F212


Donate on any of the supported networks to keep this service running, and potentially to see your name in the Hall of Fame 😉
Note: The donation will be sent to our "operator" address, which is authorized to manage the faucet contract. This is so that we can swap your donation into the target distribution of assets before transferring to the faucet.
Set max

Hall of Fame

Note: To "claim" an address on the Hall of Fame, please make sure you've signed in with Twitter above. You'll then be asked to sign a message with the associated address in Metamask.
This will link the address to your Twitter account, summing your score with the other addresses associated with the account.

If you feel that any information in the Hall of Fame has been misrepresented or is missing, please get in touch with us at!